Greenwood SD by SpecialK
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  4. Greenwood SDGreenwood SD
Dan Broderick had degrees from Harvard Law School and Cornell School of Medicine, and combined them as a high-priced medical-malpractice attorney. Linda, a former flight attendant fired for flirting on the job, was Dan's assistant, and eventually his second wife. After divorce proceedings, Dan's ex-wife-to-be, Betty, left hundreds of obscene, profanity-laden messages on Dan's voice mail, ignored countless restraining orders, vandalized his new home, and drove her car into his front door. Betty eventually shot both of them in their bed early one morning. Publicized trials, books and TV movies resulted.
Captain Myles Moylan commanded Company A, 7th US Cavalry, during the Battle of the Little Big Horn. He survived the battle, going on to finish a 35-year military career. He was awarded the Medal of Honor in 1894, for his actions fighting the Nez Perce Indians at Snake Creek on Sept 30, 1877. He retired locally, and his house is a San Diego historical monument.
Corey Rand started his acting career on TV in an episode of Hawaii 5-0, then appeared in Cannon, Knight Rider, and Santa Barbara. Films include Cloak and Dagger; Predator 2; and Hot Shots Part Deux..
140517-9518LindaBroderick 140517-9522MylesMoylan 140517-9528CoreyRand
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