Eternal Hills SD by SpecialK
  1. SpecialK's Gallery
  2. Cemeteries
  3. San Diego Co
  4. Eternal Hills SDEternal Hills SD
Cypress View SD
El Camino SD
Eternal Hills SD
Ft Rosecrans
Glen Abbey
Greenwood SD
Holy Cross SD
Mn San Luis Rey
Mount Hope SD
Oak Hill Esc
Dick Simmons starred in the '50's as Sergeant Preston of the Yukon, bringing law-and-order into the 1890s Gold Rush as a member of the Northwest Mounted Police.
Vietnam vets memorial.
Lloyd Haynes was a Marine for 12 years before acting, most famously as teacher Pete Dixon in Room 222.
Bobby Driscoll is most famous for his role as Jim Hawkins in 1950's Treasure Island. After brushes with the law and drugs, he died alone and broke in New York City. (Cenotaph).
Born in Oceanside of American Samoan parents, "Junior" Seau was a linebacker in the NFL, the first 13 years with San Diego. He was a 10-time All-Pro, 12-time Pro Bowl selection, and Seau was named Defensive Player of the Year in 1994 during the Charger's Superbowl season. He suffered from CTE, and shot himself. He was elected to the Hall of Fame in 2015.
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