100526-7034LavaHole by SpecialK
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  4. 7 Shasta-Lava Beds7 Shasta-Lava Beds
  5. 100526-7034LavaHole100526-7034LavaHole



Item information:

100526-6888ShastaBlackButte (Black Butte near the town of Mt. Shasta.)
100526-6894Shasta (The north side of Mt. Shasta.)
100526-6906ShastaViewpoint (The view point.)
100526-6907ShastaVPSigns (View point signs.)
100526-6908ShastaVPSigns (View point signs.)
100526-6910Shasta (Last of Shasta.)
100526-6915DorrisShed (Dorris.)
100526-6916DorrisShed (Dorris.)
100526-6917DorrisWaterTower (Dorris.)
100526-6918DorrisFutureMuseum (Dorris.)
100526-6921DorrisdFarmImplements (Dorris.)
100526-6925CampTulelake (Passing through Tulelake. This was a Japanese interment center in WWII.)
100526-6928CampTulelakeSign (Camp Tulelake sign.)
100526-6929CampTulelake (Camp Tulelake.)
100526-6932GillemsCamp (The north end of the Lava Beds National Monument features the remains of Gillem's Camp, used by the cavalry, during the Modoc Indian war. The trail, which I did not take, goes up to the left.)
100526-6933GillemsRiflePit (Rifle pit.)
100526-6935GillemsCemetery (This ceremonial cemetery holds no one buried in it.)
100526-6936SonchinButteRdWork (Sonchin Butte is the highest point in the area, closed for road work.)
100526-6938LavaBedsVisCtr (The visitor center/museum.)
100526-6940LavaBedsVisCtrDisplay (Museum display.)
100526-6941LavaBedsVisCtrDisplay (Museum display.)
100526-6945CatacombsStairs (Catacombs cave entrance.)
100526-6948SunshineCave (Some of these caves are quite long, and dark, and should not be explored alone.)
100526-6953SunshineCave (You can rent a hard hat and flashlight at the visitor center.)
100526-6959VolcanicBombs (Lava bombs.)
100526-6960Obsidian (Obsidian.)
100526-6962MushpotPlant (Fern at Mushpot cave entrance.)
100526-6963MushpotCave (Mushpot entrance.)
100526-6964MushpotInfo (Mushpot sign.)
100526-6967MushpotDisplay (Mushpot is the only cave with lighting installed, and illuminated displays.)
100526-6973MushpotLights (Mushpot.)
100526-6978MushpotLavaDrips (Lava overhang.)
100526-6980BunchgrassTreeButte (On Bunchgrass Trail.)
100526-6981BunchgrassTrLavaTreesButte (Bunchgrass Trail.)
100526-6983SkullCaveIceSign (Ice cave sign.)
100526-6984SkullCaveIceClosure (No ice...)
100526-6988SkullCave (Skull cave.)
100526-6991SkullLavaButte (View from Skull cave of lava and Sonchin Butte.)
100526-7000Rainbow (Rainbow clouds.)
100526-7002Rainbow (Rainbow clouds.)
100526-7009SchonchinButte (Sonchin Butte.)
100526-7017SpatterConeSign (Spatter cone sign.)
100526-7020FleenerChimneysSign (Fleener Chimneys sign.)
100526-7023FleenerChimneys (One of the chimneys.)
100526-7026FleenerChimGrate (One of the chimneys.)
100526-7027FleenerChimneysHole (Another chimney.)
100526-7028FleenerChimneys (View from Fleener Chimney's)
100526-7032RockBush (Path at Fleener Chimneys.)
100526-7034LavaHole (Lava flap.)
100526-7037TulelakeVetMem (Making a lunch run in Tulelake.This is the Veterans memorial.)
100526-7041BettysJKDiner (My GPS was incorrectly routing me to Jolly Kone diner, so I went here instead. The sign said Betty's Diner on the far side. Only later did I see it was... Jolly Kone....)
100526-7042ClydeHotel (Clyde Hotel in Tulelake.)
100526-7044EmporiumTaxidermy (Emporium and taxidermist in Tulelake.)
100526-7045TulelakeCityHall (Tulelake city hall.)
100526-7047TulelakeFlags (Memorial flags next to the city hall.)
100526-7050TulelakeTrain (Train in Tulelake.)
100526-7051PetroglyphPtSign (Petroglyph Point sign, back in the Lava Beds.)
100526-7053PetroglyphPt (Petroglyph Point.)
100526-7054PetroglyphPtTrl (I went up Pretroglyph Bluff trail looking for...petroglyphs.)
100526-7055PetroglyphPtEnd (End of the trail.)
100526-7056PetroglyphPtEnd (End of the trail sign.)
100526-7057PetroglyphPtEnd (Just a bit more off to the left.)
100526-7059PetroglyphPtEnd (Looking back down the trail route.)
100526-7060PetroglyphPtLava (More lava.)
100526-7063PetroglyphPtGrafitti (All I saw was graffiti - no petroglyphs...)
100526-7065HospitalRockInfo (Hospital Rock info.)
100526-7067HospitalRock (This is Hospital Rock.)
100526-7068HospitalRockRock (This is just a rock at Hospital Rock.)
100526-7069StrongholdSign (Stronghold sign.)
100526-7070StrongholdInfo (Stronghold info.)
100526-7071StrongholdLakeMarker (Originally, the lake came up to this point. It has been drained and is now a mile or so away.)
100526-7072StrongholdView (Captain Jack's stronghold. At the start of the trail is a little printed guide with numbered stops, which I completely missed...)
100526-7073StrongholdTrl (Captain Jack's stronghold. The Modocs held the position here against the cavalry for a few months.)
100526-7074StrongholdTrl (Captain Jack's stronghold.)
100526-7075StrongholdView (Captain Jack's stronghold.)
100526-7076StrongholdTrl (Captain Jack's stronghold.)
100526-7077StrongholdTrl (Captain Jack's stronghold.)
100526-7078StrongholdTrlCrater (Captain Jack's stronghold.)
100526-7079StrongholdTrlCrater (Captain Jack's stronghold.)
100526-7080StrongholdTrl (Captain Jack's stronghold.)
100526-7081StrongholdTrlRocks (Captain Jack's stronghold.)
100526-7082StrongholdTrl (Captain Jack's stronghold.)
100526-7085StrongholdTrlPlant (Captain Jack's stronghold.)
100526-7086StrongholdTrlLichen (Captain Jack's stronghold.)
100526-7087StrongholdTrl (Captain Jack's stronghold.)
100526-7088StrongholdTrlWall (Captain Jack's stronghold.)
100526-7089CanbyInfo (Peace talks sign.)
100526-7091CanbyInfo (Canby cross sign.)
100526-7100CanbyCross (Canby cross.)
100526-7104DevilsHomesteadSign (Devil's Homestead lava flow overlook.)
100526-7105DevilsHomesteadSign (Devil's Homestead sign.)
100526-7109DevilsHsteadCCCPlaque (Conservation Corps sign.)
100526-7112EndOfModocWarSign (End of Modoc War sign.)
100526-7113BlackCraterSign (On the trail to the Thomas-Wright battlefield.)
100526-7116Thomas-WrightBattleSign (Cavalry got surprised here, and almost wiped out. Modocs had no casualties.)
100526-7117Thomas-WrightBattleMap (Manoeuver sign.)
100526-7119LastVictoryForModocSign (Last Modoc victory sign.)
100526-7126AGeologicLaboratorySign (Geologic laboratory sign.)
100526-7128BlackCraterTree (Heading to Black Crater.)
100526-7129BlackCrater (Black Crate. It is long but narrow.)
100526-7131BlackCrater (Black Crater.)
100526-6924CowsNrDorris (East of Dorris.)
100526-6913DorrisSilos (Near Dorris.)
100526-6912WorkersNrDorris (Near Dorris and the Oregon border.)
100526-6904Shasta (Northeast of Mt. Shasta.)
100526-6895Shasta (The north side of Mt. Shasta.)
100526-6994RainbowTree (Rainbow clouds.)

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