Qn of Hvn Rowland Hts by SpecialK by SpecialK
  1. SpecialK's Gallery
  2. Cemeteries
  3. Los Angeles Co
  4. Qn of Hvn Rowland HtsQn of Hvn Rowland Hts
  5. 120414-7771StevenParent120414-7771StevenParent



Item information:

120414-7771StevenParent (Steven Parent was a random victim of the Charles Mason family. He was shot by Tex Watson as he was leaving the Polanski house after visiting the caretaker he had recently befriended.)
120414-7774SchlitzeSurtees (Schlitze Surtees was a microcephalic performer and actor, most famously in the 1932 movie Freaks. He had the IQ of a 3 -year old, and could count to 10 (often overlooking 7). His marker was provided through donations in about 2000.)

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