6 Grand Cyn by SpecialK
  1. SpecialK's Gallery
  2. Vacations
  3. Arizona Mostly 09
  4. 6 Grand Cyn6 Grand Cyn
1 Rock-O'man-K'man
2 H'bry-Cave-F'stff
3 2Gns-Wns-Crtr-Hlb
4 PFr-PDes-CdCh
5 GFalls-WCyn-Valle
6 Grand Cyn
7 Gr Cyn Planes Cars
Cameras in action.
The rim trail overlook in the village.
Not the best weather.
Kolb Studio along the rim.
Bright Angel trail.
6 miles out is the Plateau Point trail, seen on the right.
You can go via mule-train to the Phantom Ranch across the river.
Photographers at the first tunnel, about 1/4 mile down the trail.
Trail people.
The little hut on the peak just below center is the 3-mile rest stop, my destination.
Over 300 people per year have to be rescued off the trails.
3-mile resthouse and Plateau Point, which has an excellent view of the river.
Still a bit gloomy, though it keeps the temperature down in the low 80's.
Second tunnel.
He passed cautiously.
Most hikers who get in trouble try to go too far - like the river and back, in a day - and/or don't bring enough water. And a hat.
The 3-mile resthouse is dead center. Haven't even gotten the 1.5-mile resthouse (not shown) yet...
This is a new mule being trained for the trail.
Coming up on 1.5-mile resthouse.
Resthouse signs.
Emergency phone.
Squirrel looking for a handout.
Feeding wildlife is prohibited.
The green patch in the middle contains Indian Garden campground.
Luggage mule-train.
There is a 200-lb limit for mule rides...
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