3 WTC WtrTaxi UN by SpecialK
  1. SpecialK's Gallery
  2. Vacations
  3. New York City 12
  4. 3 WTC WtrTaxi UN3 WTC WtrTaxi UN
1 GrCent BBridge
2 30Rk ESB Wax
3 WTC WtrTaxi UN
4 StbFls StJ Gug TS
5 WSt StoL TS BBus
6 Intrep StJ Grant Boat
7 Clstrs NatH SubMus CIs
8 Gard Sex Heli CTown
My morning walk from the Port Authority Bus Terminal.
The New York Times building, which give Times Square its name.
The line of the hop-on/hop-off Water Taxi. It makes 4 stops.
Some buildings near the piers.
Empire State building.
This is an exhaust for the Lincoln tunnel. Circulates the air every 90 seconds.
One World Trade will be 1776 feet high with the antenna.
Jewish Heritage museum in the center.
Korean War memorial.
Korean War Vet memorial.
Circular Castle Clinton used to be an old fort, but is now where you can get tickets for the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island tour.
John Ericson was an inventor, most notably of the Civil War-era iron-clad ship the USS Monitor, a model of which he is holding.
9/11 memorial entrance.
You need to get a free timed-entrance ticket.
The wind died as I was shooting flags, so this is the best of the bunch...
Under construction.
Cement trucks.
Locator map. Luckily I had no name to find.
The south tower.
The south tower.
The south tower.
The south tower.
The south tower.
First responders.
First responders.
The south tower.
The south tower.
The south tower.
The north tower.
The north tower.
Base of the new tower.
The north tower.
The new museum has glass walls, but is still under construction.
Known as the miracle tree, it was found in the rubble and removed to a nursery for several years, where it was struck by lightning. It has been relocated to where it was found.
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