141021-6317DonaldTurnupseed by SpecialK
  1. SpecialK's Gallery
  2. Cemeteries
  3. Tulare Co
  4. Tulare CemTulare Cem
  5. 141021-6317DonaldTurnupseed141021-6317DonaldTurnupseed



Item information:

141021-6317DonaldTurnupseed (Donald Turnupseed was the driver of the "other vehicle" in the death of actor James Dean.  Donald maintained he never saw Dean's car. He worked in the family-owned electrical contracting  company in Tulare, and resisted requests for interviews and tried to lead a quite life. Turnupseed was president of the San Joaquin Valley chapter of National Electrical Contractors Association from 1990-94.)
141021-6321BobMathias (Robert Mathias was an American decathlete and two-time Olympic gold medalist. In London's 1948 Olympics he was the youngest gold medalist to win a track and field event at age 17. In Helsinki 4 years later, he won by 912 points, and he became the first person to repeat as champion. He was a US Marine Corps captain, actor, and four-term US Congressman.)

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