140420-7030MarvelRea by SpecialK
  1. SpecialK's Gallery
  2. Cemeteries
  3. Los Angeles Co
  4. Pac Crest RBPac Crest RB
  5. 140420-7030MarvelRea140420-7030MarvelRea



Item information:

140420-7022MaeMarsh (Mae Marsh was an actress, and played her first substantial role in Ramona (1910) at the age of 15.  “I tagged my way into motion pictures.  I used to follow my sister Marguerite to the old Biograph studio and then, one great day, Mr. Griffith noticed me, put me in a picture and I had my chance.” She appeared in  The Birth of a Nation,  Intolerance, and later in the John Ford films The Grapes of Wrath, How Green Was My Valley, 3 Godfathers, The Robe, and The Searchers. She was awarded the George Eastman Award in 1955, and has a star on the Walk of Fame.)
140420-7030MarvelRea (Marvel Rea was a silent film actress best known for her work with Ford Sterling. She was one of Mack Sennett's "Bathing Beauties". Films between 1917-20 include A Clever Dummy, The Summer Girls, East Lynne with Variations, When Love Is Blind, A Lightweight Lover, The Simp, and For Land's Sake. Married twice, she was attacked by three men in 1936, and committed suicide about 8 months later.)

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