141022-6534DickJurgens by SpecialK
  1. SpecialK's Gallery
  2. Cemeteries
  3. Sacramento Co
  4. East LawnEast Lawn
  5. 141022-6534DickJurgens141022-6534DickJurgens



Item information:

141022-6520NevilleBrand (Neville Brand earned the Purple Heart and other awards during WWII, before becoming an actor. Brand had a blocky frame, big-toothed face, and gravelly voice making him effective in bad-guy roles. His first credit was in 1950's "DOA".  He can be seen  in "The Caine Mutiny", "Stalag 17", and Elvis Presley's "Love Me Tender". On TV he was in many westerns, and an infrequently-aired episode of the Twilight Zone in which he plays a bigoted ex-soldier who confronts Japanese gardener George Takei.)
141022-6534DickJurgens (Dick Jurgens played in a high school orchestra, but was kicked out of it for playing pop music. He formed his own group in 1928 while still a student. He played at the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco in 1933, then signed with Decca Records for 6 years. His first hits were "It's a Hundred to One You're in Love with Me" in 1939 and "In an Old Dutch Garden" in 1940. Jurgens then scored "A Million Dreams Ago" and the instrumental "Elmer's Tune", which a later vocal version became #1. Other hits included "The Bells of San Raquel" and "Happy in Love". His biggest hit was 1942's "One Dozen Roses". After the swing era ended, Jurgens founded an electronics business with his brother, and later went into real estate.)

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