140517-9531NatPendleton by SpecialK
  1. SpecialK's Gallery
  2. Cemeteries
  3. San Diego Co
  4. Cypress View SDCypress View SD
  5. 140517-9531NatPendleton140517-9531NatPendleton



Item information:

120212-4713ArchieMoore (Archie Moore was the Light Heavyweight boxing champion from 1952-59 and 1961. He is in the main hall of Cypress View mausoleum.)
120212-4714ArchieMoore (He had some small acting roles after his boxing career.)
120212-4719SaintStatue (I forget which saint this is.)
120212-4720SaintStatue (Another saint?)
120212-4721SaintStatue (Another saint?)
120212-4723SaintStatue (Another saint.)
140517-9531NatPendleton (Nat Pendleton was the Eastern Intercollegiate Wrestling Association champion in 1914 and 1915, and at the 1920 Summer Olympics in Antwerp, he lost only one match and earned a silver medal. He became a pro wrestler, and with his celebrity status, he drifted into films in the late 1920s. Notable movies include Horse Feathers (1932) with the Marx Brothers as one of the two college football players who kidnap Harpo and Chico, and as circus strongman Eugen Sandow in The Great Ziegfeld (1936). Other films include The Thin Man (1934) and the Marx Bros film At the Circus (1939),)

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