Angelus-Rosedale LA by SpecialK
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  4. Angelus-Rosedale LAAngelus-Rosedale LA

Skelton Elizabeth

At 2:40 AM on a dark night with gale-force winds, thick fog and high seas, the 471-foot Scotsman ran aground off Newfoundland. The passengers were all in bed, but most ran up to the deck after the ship hit the rocks. Elizabeth was put in the first lifeboat but unfortunately the plug hadn't been placed in the bottom of the boat. The lifeboat quickly filled with water and sank, and 11 women and children drowned. In the morning light, remaining passengers, including Elizabeth’s husband, climbed across ladders to the edge of the cliff the ship had landed on, and were later rescued. The ship’s crew, a replacement collection of “wharf-rat” scabs filing in during a seaman’s strike, looted all the valuables from the passengers and more than 20 were arrested.
Upload Date: Feb 13, 2022 08:14 PMViews: 1

Sloane Everett

Everett Sloane played Mr Bernstein in Citizen Kane, was in some TV shows, and was the voice of Adolf Hitler in the March of Time newsreels. His last role was of someone who was losing their sight and committed suicide. Both followed in real life.
Upload Date: Apr 7, 2013 10:32 AMViews: 69

Stephens William

William Dennison Stephens began to work as a traveling salesman and later as a grocery manager. In 1902, he became a partner in Carr and Stephens Groceries, giving Stephens wide name recognition throughout Los Angeles. Stephens became involved in business and municipal politics, and served on the board of directors of the LA Chamber of Commerce from 1902-1911, and was on the LA Board of Education from 1906-07. He served on the LA Board of Water Commissioners, working with William Mulholland for the LA Aqueduct. He was a three-term member of the US House of Representatives from 1911-1916, and he was the 24th governor of California from 1917-1923.
Upload Date: Dec 6, 2014 10:49 PMViews: 6

Tatum Art

Art Tatum was an American jazz pianist, widely considered one of the greatest jazz pianists of all time His performances were hailed for their technical proficiency and creativity, which set a new standard for jazz piano virtuosity. Tatum learned to play by ear, picking out church hymns by the age of three, learning tunes from the radio and copying piano roll recordings his mother owned. Popular hits include "Tea for Two" and "Tiger Rag. (Cenotaph).
Upload Date: Feb 6, 2016 08:23 PMViews: 8

Whitman Ernest

Ernest Whitman was an actor, in King for a Day, The Prisoner of Shark Island, The Green Pastures, Jesse James, Gone With the Wind, Among the Living, Cabin in the Sky, Stormy Weather, The Lost Weekend, My Brother Talk to Horses, Banjo and The Sun Shines Bright, his last film. He also was on TV's Beulah from 1952 to 1953, as Bill Jackson.
Upload Date: Dec 6, 2014 10:48 PMViews: 7

Wilson Dooley

Dooley Wilson is most famous as Sam, the piano player, in the 1941 movie Casablanca. In real life he played the drums. He also co-starred in Stormy Weather.
Upload Date: Apr 7, 2013 10:32 AMViews: 65

Wong Anna May

She was born in San Francisco, and became the first Asian (Chinese) leading lady, She did much of her work in Europe, free from the laws and prejudice of the USA, where mixed-race kisses were banned on screen.
Upload Date: Apr 7, 2013 10:33 AMViews: 19

Wong Anna May

Actress Anna May Wong is buried with her sister and mother.
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Woodman Frederic

Frederic T. Woodman.
Upload Date: Apr 7, 2013 10:33 AMViews: 66

Woodman Frederic

Frederic Woodman was president of the Los Angeles board of harbor commissioners, then mayor of LA.
Upload Date: Apr 7, 2013 10:33 AMViews: 70

Wu Honorable

Honorable Wu was an actor in Passage From Hong Kong, Ellery Queen And The Perfect Crime, Mr. Moto Takes A Vacation, North Of Shanghai, The Crime Of Dr. Hallet, and The Stowaway with Shirley Temple.
Upload Date: Apr 7, 2013 10:32 AMViews: 66

Zobelein George

George Zobelein and Joseph Maier partnered to buy the Philadelphia Brew House in 1881, which by 1905 was the largest brewery in the western US. After Maier's death, in 1906 Zobelein filed a lawsuit againt the Maier heirs, and won a settlement. He later was bought out by the Maier heirs, and purchased the Los Angeles Brewing Company, and produced beers sold under his Eastside brand. Illness forced his retirement in 1933. He died three years later. Joseph and George are buried less than 100 yards apart.
Upload Date: Jan 31, 2015 03:00 PMViews: 10
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